+41 (0)32 721 20 89
Nathalie Sandoz
I’m pleased to present myself and tell you about my various skills and competences. Your health and well-being will always be at the heart of our programs.
I look forward to hearing from you soon,
To say that the Alexander Technique has allowed me to develop my potential is an understatement. After several years of practicing and teaching the Alexander Technique, I extended the scope of my activities in directing and producing shows and founded my professional theatre company, the Cie De Facto, here in Neuchâtel. This close link with the stage allows me to explore the application of the principles of the Alexander Technique to the world of performance in a continuous, concrete and practical way. I can honestly say, there is not a single aspect of my life that is not profoundly influenced by it.
After graduating as a professional actress, I entered the profession with great enthusiasm. One production followed another, but I felt a certain uneasiness within me. I wasn't experiencing any pain; I suffered more and more from the fact that my body didn't always do what I asked it to do. While on tour, I shared my observations with one of my colleagues, adding that he must have had a better way of living this life. And that's when I first heard about the Alexander Technique.
During my first lessons, I had a vague feeling that something was changing in me, even though I couldn't define what. It took me about twenty sessions to understand the immense value of this work and to realise its potential.
Shortly afterwards, personal circumstances led me to move to London, where I started looking for a teacher. And it was at the Constructive Teaching Center that I found him. After a few sessions, it was apparent that this was also where I would start training for a new profession and start an exciting new chapter of my life.
After graduating as a professional actress in 1995, I joined a professional theatre company and toured all over Europe, both in theatres and festivals. After an extended stay in London, I embarked on a new training course and obtained my professional diploma in Alexander Technique in 2004. After opening my private practiceand teaching the Alexander Technique in the drama schools Italia Conti and Mountview Academy of Art in London, I decided to return to Switzerland and opened my private practice in 2006.
In 2007, I directed my first production with Des Histoires Vraies? which marked a new turning point in my theatre career and led me, in 2011, to found my own theatre company, Cie De Facto. To date, I have directed more than twenty-five productions, including five under the aegis of the Cie De Facto, which continues to expand and tour in Switzerland and Europe. I also adapt stories for the theatre and translate English and German plays into French.
In 2009 I joined forces with Ettore Arcais and started CTAN, where I continue my therapeutic activities to this day, and where since 2012, I co-direct our professional AT training. In 2018, I obtained the OrTra TC Branch Certificate in Complementary Therapy and 2020, the HeartMath Clinical Practitioner Certificate.