+41 (0)32 721 20 89
Ettore Arcais
I’m happy to share with you my experience and my competencies. Your well-being will always be at the heart of our programs.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon,
Looking for a solution to the back pain I had been suffering from for so many years, I discovered the Alexander Technique in London. In the past, I had tried a bit of everything, and although the symptoms sometimes became more tolerable, the problem persisted. I had partly resigned myself to believing that my mild scoliosis and lordosis were the cause of my back pain and it reassured me to know that most of my friends and colleagues were also struggling, to a certain degree, with the same problem. The Technique helped me discover that my back pain was not related to my scoliosis or lordosis, nor lack of sport or excessive physical activity. The principal cause to my back problems was a poor posture and the lack of awareness of it! Over the years, my mental, physical and emotional attitudes had become habitual and I unconsciously identified with them. With my problems solved, I was able to notice that a better organisation of my postural mechanisms also favoured a better breathing and better mobility and on a general level a more positive attitude. Over the last few years, my research in the field of self-regulation and on the development of personal resources has allowed me to discover the work of HeartMath, and to enjoy its positive effects on health and well-being.
I completed my music studies in Cagliari, Italy, and I received a Master and a Solistendiploma in Oboe at the Hochschüle für Musik, Bern.
I trained in London with Walter and Dilys Carrington at the Constructive Teaching Centre (CTC) from 1999 to 2002. Walter Carrington had worked closely with F.M. Alexander for many years before taking over the training course itself. After completing my AT training, I worked as assistant teacher for seven years at the centre. At the same time, I ran a busy private practice in central London and presented different courses and workshops in various music and theatre academies.
Since 2009 I have been running the Alexander Technique Centre in Neuchâtel with Nathalie Sandoz, and I collaborate with various public and private institutions in Switzerland. Among others, the Direktion der Justiz und des Innern - Kanton Zürich, Celgene, ArtBasel and Autodesk.
I have been directing our professional Alexander Technique training course with Nathalie Sandoz since 2012. In 2018, I obtained my OrTra TC Branch Certificate in Complementary Therapies and 2019, the HeartMath Coach and Trainer licenses from HeartMath Deutschland.
I have translated into Italian excerpts from the two books by Walter Carrington, Thinking Aloud and The Act of Living under the title Imparando a Dire No. The book is published in by Mornum Time Press and it is available at CTAN.