Ease from aches and pain
It’s entirely possible that you may already have an appreciation of the Alexander Technique. In which case your perception may well be that many people use it to help deal with back pain or postural problems. Of course, this is true. But what is not quite so well known is that the Technique can also alleviate painful joints, muscles, trapped nerves and Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). And that it can be effective in the relief of breathing disorders as well. So if you have a specific ache or pain – unfortunately maybe even a serious one – it’s highly likely that you’ll find the Alexander Technique of great benefit.
A better way of living
By recognising the prime importance of bringing your whole being into balance, the Technique will enable you to work in harmony with yourself, rather than, as is all-too-often the case, with different forces working in opposition. It is this newfound harmony that brings about a positive change in mental and emotional outlook. In short, the Alexander Technique fosters a better way of living. For it is this lack of harmony within ourselves which is responsible for many of our ailments. Because whether they appear mental (like depression or anxiety) or physical (like neck problems or sciatica), it is by dealing with the whole self that the Alexander Technique achieves such consistent success.
Useful information
- Our clinic is open every day from 8.45 a.m. to 7 p.m., lessons last 45 minutes and cost CHF 90. –
- Most health insurances in Switzerland cover the Alexander Technique. Ask your health insurance company for the exact terms of your complementary insurance contract.
- We organise introductory workshops on a regular basis and, on request, it is also possible to organise ad hoc courses or presentations in your company.
- Our therapists have the Certificat de Branche OrTra TC, and are RME, ASCA, EGK and Visana certified.
The Alexander Technique is a recognised OrTra TC Complementary Therapies method.
We particularly recommend the Alexander Technique in the case of :